My Story
Hi & welcome to my story!
My name is Jennifer,
founder of BATHE LASH
pronounced: 'bay'-th lash
My lash journey began right along with my pregnancy.
My pregnancy journey led to become a healthier version of myself. Being self aware of eating cleaner, cleaner makeup and detergents, etc. I felt a responsibility to rise above my past to provide love and protection for my family. That feeling became a calling. Being a daughter of two immigrant parents and a sister to seven siblings, I knew there was a brighter and better way to make good/cleaner changes for myself and my little family.
I graduated from a two-year college with an Associate's in Science, but felt like I didn't belong in a college classroom any longer. That is when I found a different passion for education; trade school to become a Licensed Esthetician. When I was in my lash course/class I noticed that the lash shampoo wasn't thought about twice as much as the other lash supplies. Transitioning to non-toxic products was important for me. As I was finishing my lash course and became pregnant along those months of lashing and finishing my school hours I was seeking lash cleansers and/or concentrates, but they all just looked appealing until it was time to read the ingredients. I wasn't happy with how lash shampoos contain harsh ingredients that many people are not aware of.
That's when Bathe Lash was born. I made it my life mission to find the best natural ingredients that are safe, simple & effective while maximizing retention.
My purpose is to help mi familia and yours have a cleaner product for everyday use.
The first product is the fragrance free concentrate because I love it and so does my skin and lashes of course! Low toxic products is the most important switch to make at the end of the day because it sets intention free of harsh chemicals.
Simple & Clean,
Jennifer M.
Founder of Bathe Lash